πŸ’‘Problem - My email subscribers aren't buying...


October 22, 2024

This is a special edition of the Craftsman Creative newsletter leading up to the 2024 Craftsman Creative event. If you'd like to opt out of these daily emails, just click here and you'll only receive our regular weekly newsletter.

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How to fix your email system

Read time: 4 Minutes

There's an important statistic that you need to tattoo on your brain. A study was done by legendary marketer Dean Jackson and his team a few years ago. They found that 85% of customers purchased after the first 90 days.

Most marketers either a) ignore email completely, or b) use it as a way to send offers to people until they either buy or bounce. (Think about the last time you bought something from a store, gave them your email, and then quickly unsubscribed from the next day's sales email...)

We need to use the statistic above to inform our approach to email. Email is a system to engage your leads for longer. NOT so that they buy at the 90-day mark, but so that you build a relationship of trust and overdeliver until they're ready to buy.

The goal shifts from extracting value from an audience of people to giving value consistently before any transaction occurs.

So, how do you do this.

It starts with a welcome email and welcome sequence. Tools like ConvertKit have this feature at the core of their app. You write these emails once and they automatically send to each new subscriber at whatever interval you set, typically every day.

At the end of the welcome sequence, you inform them where they can go from there. They can get on your newsletter, learn more about your products and services (now that they have more context about what you do and how you help them), or they can unsubscribe.

It's ok if someone unsubscribes! It doesn't mean anything bad, it just means they're not your right-fit client!

Having a weekly (or, at minimum, monthly) newsletter helps you continue to nurture these new relationships with your leads. At the end of each newsletter you can have "soft" or "hard" calls to action.

You can see the difference in my emails this week. My Monday newsletter email has soft calls to action in the PS section. At the bottom of this email is a more direct, or hard, call to action - get your ticket to the event!

When you have a launch or big event, you can ramp up the frequency of the emails as long as you're providing value. It rarely works to just send more sales emails to your entire list.

Notice at the top of these emails I have an "opt-out" link, to ensure that if you don't want the extra emails, you don't have to get them. But I can tell you less than 1% of my readers have opted out of this series because the emails are valuable!

To use email effectively, approach it as a way to pull people deeper into your world, provide value before any transaction occurs, and nurture the relationship longer than anyone else.

If you need help, we'll spend an entire session at next week's event on building your "minimum viable email system" so that you have all of these pieces in place.

Grab your ticket to the 2024 Craftsman Creative Event today:



I'll be back tomorrow with another problem/solution email to help you design and build the profitable business of your dreams this year. See you then!


Missed the earlier emails in this series? Check them out here:

​1/16 - I'm not doing the type of work I want to be doing...​

​1/17 - Overcoming imposter syndrome...​

​1/18 - My business isn't working...​

​1/19 - My offer isn't selling...​

​1/22 - I'm not connecting with my audience...​

​1/23 - I'm not reaching enough of my right-fit clients...​

​1/24 - My content isn't working...​


Daren Smith

​Schedule a 1-on-1 Strategy Call​

Check out my new book, BLOCKBUSTER​





This email was lovingly crafted using the amazing ConvertKit email software.
​Launch your newsletter for free at convertkitforcreators.com.

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